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This healing is a little different as our Ancestors can be more broad than our Mother and Father Lineages and can be linked back through time to lands you have never even visited. My ancestry is Celtic and I have inherited a lot of stories around poverty, lack and suffering from my ancesotrs that requires much helaing. This assists Mother Gaia also and heals lost souls as you heal, past present and future generations.

Many of you have come here to break the cycles. This will speak to you if it is time. Ancestral Healing is one of my gifts, I am here to assist in clearing the old and what is needed at this time. Pain, suffering, greed, lack, poverty, control, hatred, anger, resentment, depression, anxiety and more, we can carry these enegetic blueprints from our ancestors from the land where we were born, it is time to assist them to clear it for you, your fmaily and the land.

Trust you will receive exactly what you need.




On attending this event, you agree that these activations are not intended as a repacement for medical treatment and Martina Bafoil is not claiming to be a Medical Physician or Doctor. The session is based on the energy healing of Martina Bafoil and by taking part in this session you agree that you will not hold Martina Bafoil responsble in any way.

Ancestral Healing in your Akashic Records

$110.00 Regular Price
$55.00Sale Price
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